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Archive for the ‘New Age’ Category

Muslims Hijack Christ In Order To Decieve


from CDAC

Believe it or not, an Islamic “advocacy” organization in the United States — with ties to a terrorist group — is running a public campaign that claims Jesus was a Muslim!
That’s right . . . the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) paid for signs on buses that say, “ISLAM:The Way of Life of Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad.”
What’s more, this is a brazen attempt to label Christianity a false faith which ostensibly began when the followers of Jesus corrupted his “Islamic” teachings!
Nothing could be further from the truth. Islam is not the religion of Jesus. In fact, Islam denies that Jesus is the Son of God . . . the second person of the Holy Trinity.
My friend, this attack on Christianity is just one among many that we at the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission (CADC) are forced to deal with on a daily basis. Each and every day, Christianity is attacked, mocked, castigated, scorned, and lied about. And CADC — with your generous support — is there, exposing the lies of the enemy, fighting back, defending the truth. 
Now we’re confronted by a devilish undertaking so malicious and so evil that we absolutely must defeat it here and now. Because not only is CAIR slandering our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by claiming He was a Muslim, they are trying to win converts to Islam through their lies about Jesus!
The truth is, history tells us the frightening story of what happens when people of faith are defamed, ridiculed, and made the object of bigotry. As Edmund Burke said,”All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.”
The question is, will we sit back and do nothing as Christianity is attacked by proponents of the radical Islamic agenda? It would be a shame for us to lose the precious freedoms that our fathers and forefathers shed precious blood to gain for us … simply because we “do nothing.”
As for me and my household, WE WILL SERVE THE LORD. How about you?
I’m counting on you to help CADC as we start a “sign campaign” of our own. We want to counter CAIR’s lies with the truth offering this message of hope to the public:

“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life,
    No one comes to the Father except through me.”
– JESUS (John 14:6)

No misleading slogans. No false claims. Just 100 percent biblical truth.
But we can’t buy the signs unless we first raise the money! It is critical that we need to send a message to CAIR that we will not let their lies go unanswered. If you are tired of CAIR’s lies, help us with a gift of $100 or the best gift you can give?
To donate click here.
Going on Offense
You cannot win a contest unless you play both offence and defense. So in addition to the signs, I’ve created a petition to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, asking that the Council on American-Islamic Relations be officially designated a terrorist organization.
To be frank, I need to count on your continued support right now as we take on the lies of CAIR — which was named a co-conspirator by the federal government in a scheme to funnel millions of dollars to Hamas terrorists in the Middle East — and expose their duplicitous campaign to smear Christianity through their outrageous lie that Jesus was a Muslim.
Because you see, there is absolutely no comparison between Christianity and Islam. In fact, a cursory overview reveals that Jesus and Muhammad are very, very different.

  • Jesus said, “Believe and live!”

  • Muhammad said, “Convert or die!”

  • Christ’s disciples were killed for their faith.

  • Muhammad’s followers killed those who refused to convert to Islam.

  • Jesus was a humble servant who washed others’ feet.

  • Muhammad demanded to be served at the point of a sword.

  • Jesus demonstrated his divinity by his sinless life, miracles, and resurrection.

  • Muhammad sinned, performed no miracles, and is still in the grave.

  • Christ prayed, “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”

  • Muhammad shouted, “Death to the infidels!”

  • Christianity proclaims that God sent His Son to die for you and that you may live forever in Heaven.

  • Islam teaches that Allah wants you to send your son to kill himself and others for Allah.

No, my friend, the Jesus of the Bible was most certainly not a Muslim as CAIR’s slanderous bus signs proclaim.
You see, for a long time Muslims have claimed respect for Jesus, Abraham, and Moses . . . while keeping them at arm’s length. CAIR’s bus campaign is a new tactic in which Islam doesn’t just say they respect Christianity’s God and some of its prophets, they actually try to hijack them for their own evil purposes!
Click here to help counter CAIR’s blasphemous sign campaign.
What’s more, CAIR — the Council on American-Islamic Relations – has ties to terrorist groups that murder innocent men, women, and children! Three CAIR leaders in Texas were convicted on terror charges in 2005. Eleven more have been investigated for terrorist connections. And CAIR was named as a co-conspirator in a plot to fund the terrorist organization Hamas — the military group that has been firing deadly missiles into Israeli cities for years.
And, quite frankly, CAIR’s agenda includes the overthrow of our own American constitutional government! In 1998, Omar Ahmad, co-founder of CAIR, was quoted as saying, “Islam isn’t in America to be equal to any other faith, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth.”Ahmad also said Muslims have a duty to share Islam with those “on the wrong side.” And according to the Muslims, my friend, that means you and me!
Another troubling fact is that CAIR’s three founders -Omar Ahmad, Nihad Awad, and Rafeeq Jabar were all officials with Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP), described by a former FBI counterterrorism expert as “a front organization for Hamas.” The fact is, a federal judge in Chicago found IAP partially liable for $156 million in damages for its role in aiding and abetting Hamas in the murder of a 17-year-old American citizen!
And now the FBI is severing its once-close ties with CAIR amid mounting evidence that it has links to a support network for Hamas. All local chapters of the organization have been shunned in the wake of a years-long FBI investigation that resulted in the conviction of Hamas fundraisers at a trial where CAIR itself was listed as an unindicted co-conspirator.
Just a few weeks ago in a Buffalo, New York suburb, Muzzammil Hassan, an influential member of the Muslim community and a member of CAIR, beheaded his wife Aasiya in a divorce dispute. It’s hard to believe, but Hassan is the founder of Bridges TV which he launched in 2004 to help portray Muslims in a more positive light.
A one-two punch
So you see, it is critical that the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission continue to pursue its mandate of exposing the lies and defending the truth, and championing Christian religious liberty, both here in the United States and around the world. And that starts with CADC’s “sign campaign,” where we counter CAIR’s slanderous attempt to turn Jesus into a “Muslim” as well as our petition to officially designate CAIR a terrorist organization!
I need you to continue standing with me and the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission. Your financial support will help us expose the Council on American-Islamic Relation’s attacks on Christianity and our government.
I’d like to count on you for a gift to help us defend the truth. Time is of the essence. We must make our stand now. I pray that you will join us. Click here to donate.
For the Truth,
Dr. Gary L. Cass
P.S. My friend, we simply cannot allow this slap in the face by CAIR to stand unchallenged. Jesus was NOT a Muslim . . . but He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Help us share this life-changing message with the American people – and sign your petition naming CAIR a terrorist organization.
Click here to add your name to our CAIR petition.

Written by tfheringer

March 4, 2009 at 11:21 pm

Posted in Apostacy, Muslim, New Age

From a no state faith to a Faithless state

What really disturbs me here is the complete and utter ignorance that some people have for history. The word ignorance is a very interesting word, it is closely related to the words agnostic or arrogance. The idea being that of denying any knowledge that can not be demonstrated or observed first hand and soothes are troubled souls mired in sin. This could lead to some very disturbing ideas if one just meditates a little on this. What is disturbing me here is the lack of understanding of our Constitution, which seems to be being replaced a little at a time over the last 100 years or so. Thomas Jefferson suggested in the Federalist Papers and in letters during the period when the Constitution was being adopted that it was important to have separation of church and state. Actually, though the Constitution does not mention separation of church and state at all, but to the contrary forbids the establishment of a state religion for the United States, such as Great Britain had. What it seems he is suggesting here is the establishment of a  national religion for the United States. This national religion is already in place it is just a mater of now making it official. Our national church will be humanism and it is more dangerous to this nation then any other has ever been in history, that is a state religion. Also if I did not know better I think we are going to have a new constitution for the United States, Obamstitution will now be the law of the land. Very dangerous and completely against God. God help us!


from discernment

“As in the past, this new and unifying faith must be novel, vibrant and inclusive.”

It would seem the past he is speaking of is the unified effort in the plain of Shinar when man attempted to unite as one and build a temple to Heaven, The first attempt of many, at man creating his own God and how he would worship him, its called “Humanism”.

Notice how he links this global religion with government:

“The marriage of a believable faith with the husbandry of government is the union that must be contracted.”

Genesis 11:1-4:

The Tower of Babel

Now the whole earth had one language and one speech. And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. Then they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar. And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.”

from TheSpec:

We need faith, but the faiths of our fathers are tired now, or are spent forces. We must recognize this.

Barack Obama is now leader of the most influential nation on earth. Are we yet capable of dancing to his song of hope?

Obama was elected by default by a desperate nation drowning in faithlessness and cynicism. He was simply the best bet for change.

This bleak outlook is the chronic disease of our day. We are pessimistic about our economic and ecological futures. We distrust government officials, officers of the law, bureaucrats and the principles of big business (while we scramble to enhance our own bottom line.) We doubt the trustworthiness and ambitions of people of other colours and other religions. We have our phones and e-mails rigged to monitor the fidelity of our mates.

We are a society shorn of hope and faith.

Every past society that devolved to a world view only admitting the materiality of the physical world eventually disintegrated. On the other hand, every political and spiritual genius of his particular time understood human nature and its needs. Those superior minds attempted to unite people “in one mind” — of moral rectitude and faith; of faith in the ultimate triumph of goodness.

The vigour of Zoroaster’s religion propelled ancient Persia to world-class status. Alexander the Great and Ptolemy Soter after him recognized the spiritual need in man and attempted to unite the Greek world with a “universal religion.” Later, Caesar Augustus reinvented and reinvigorated the Roman religion, and Rome survived a few more centuries. Constantine recognized this human need and modern Christianity was born. Then came Mohammed, who lifted a fractious and barbarous people into the most civilized and scientifically advanced empire of the age.

We must seek God … or Goodness (or Love, if you prefer) for our own mental health. Belief is our sustenance as much as is the food we eat and the air we breathe. Spiritual food gives us the confidence to walk into the future with clarity and optimism. A healthy individual and a healthy society must have hope and confidence that the ultimate outcome of all things will be for the good. That is the essence of religion and has been since antiquity.

Strong beliefs bond differing minds and group into a working whole. It creates internally integrated morals — internal laws that need no outside coercion to ensure. It gives us the courage to live justly, and to die well.

If Barack Obama is indeed the political unifier that Americans — and us — have put our atrophied hopes in, perhaps he will take the steps so necessary to heal his nation of its distrust and cynicism. Perhaps he will have the courage to harness the will to believe in some transcendent goodness.

But he must lead. He must demonstrate how to believe again in what is demonstrably true: That there is something out there that is greater and grander than the individual.

We need faith, but the faiths of our fathers are tired now, or are spent forces. We must recognize this whether we are Muslims, Sikhs, Jews or Christians. We are now a global village, and only a global world view will suffice.

As in the past, this new and unifying faith must be novel, vibrant and inclusive. In this new global era of widespread education and immediate communication, this new faith must also be credible. It must align with scientifically obtained knowledge yet be aware also of the undiscoverable — the great mysteries that hold us rapt and in awe.

The marriage of a believable faith with the husbandry of government is the union that must be contracted.

Only then can there be a United Nations, only then shall we have peace on Earth and goodwill toward all.

Written by tfheringer

February 16, 2009 at 4:10 pm

Another “Lemming” ER “Pastor” issues his own “Sex Challenge”

from True Discernment

January 12, 2009

“On Sunday, the first hint that the worship service was different was an announcement by the executive pastor that the sermon was rated PG-13. Parents were reminded to take their children to the youth ministries. Then there was the video clip of Smith dancing to “Let’s Talk About Sex.”

I tell you these guys are just like lemmings that follow each other off a cliff!

Now you think some might get the message when even the secular media can see straight through this shallow “teaching”! but no, they revel in their blindness and try to out do the previous “lemming” in their ignorance.

It reminds me of what the Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 5:1-2:

It is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you, and such sexual immorality as is not even named among the Gentiles—that a man has his father’s wife! And you are puffed up, and have not rather mourned,

The point that the Apostle Paul is making here is not just the seriousness of the sexual immorality that is going on, but the “church” allowing things that even the pagan (unbelieving, secular) world would not even do, would scoff at or knew was wrong!

And further that those claiming to be the church were rather “puffed up” in their blindness instead of mourning for what was going on!

These “lemmings”  who are issuing these horrendous “sex challenges” and trying to out do each other had a blindness that caused this horrendous “teaching” and it also causes them to be “puffed up” in it!

from The Sacramento Bee:

For some, it was a challenge of seemingly biblical proportions.

In his sermon Sunday, the Rev. Barry Smith called on the married couples in his flock at Impact Community Church in Sacramento to build intimacy by having sex every day for 30 days.

“Ready to have some fun?” Smith asked at the beginning of his talk.

Smith told the congregation that the four-week series called “30 Days of Sex” was about building physical and emotional intimacy in marriages. He called it every man’s fantasy and every woman’s dream.

Thou shalt have sex with your spouses seems to be the latest sermon topic among innovative, evangelical churches like Impact. A Florida pastor who offered a similar challenge to his congregation last year said the lack of sex was one of the reasons for the nation’s high divorce rate. A Texas minister who promoted a seven-day challenge last November talked about the benefits of marital sex while standing in front of a bed.

Smith said he knew some members thought the topic was too sensational, but he insisted that it is one that churches and their leaders shouldn’t ignore. Most marital problems are about money or sex, he told the worshippers gathered for the morning services.

“Too much, not enough or the wrong kind,” Smith said.

Smith, who describes his congregation as “conservative theologically but progressive in our approach,” said it’s time for Christians to end the secrecy about sex.

“I just don’t understand why people trip up on sex so much,” he said.

On Sunday, the first hint that the worship service was different was an announcement by the executive pastor that the sermon was rated PG-13. Parents were reminded to take their children to the youth ministries. Then there was the video clip of Smith dancing to “Let’s Talk About Sex.”

And he did.

Wearing jeans and a long- sleeve shirt, Smith said Impact’s series is about more than physical intimacy. He asked couples to participate in the entire program, which includes answering a questionnaire about their emotional needs and another form rating their marriage. Married couples also are asked to maintain a daily journal, have face to face conversations and of course, have sex every day.

Singles who want to participate in the program are encouraged to abstain from sex for an entire month, keep a journal and “focus on intimacy with God,” Smith said.

Smith emphasized the program is not all fun and games. “It’s a lot of hard work,” he said. Not every couple will be able to participate for 30 days, Smith said. The important part is building intimacy.

Smith and his wife of 15 years, Tammy, completed the program at 40 days.

“What can I say?,” he said, grinning as he faced the worshippers. “We’re just overachievers.”

The Smiths are parents of two children, Max, 8 and Taryn, 6. Tammy Smith said the most difficult part was “scheduling our time together.” She said it has changed their marriage.

“A man can tell you you’re his priority, but a woman needs to feel it,” said Tammy Smith. “For the first time in a long time, I feel it. He really listened to me.”

Next week, the Smiths, two other couples and a single member of the church who have finished the program will talk about their experience during Sunday services.

The 650 families who attend Impact Community Church in south Sacramento for weekly services, are used to their pastor taking unusual approaches to his ministry.

Last year, Smith launched a program called “Confessions of a Repentant Church.” Members delivered gift baskets to abortion clinics, gay bars and strip clubs to apologize for the way they may have been treated by other Christians. “We wanted them to understand that we’re not all that way,” Smith said. “We want to be relevant.”

That is why Smith decided to take on sex and marriage. Worshippers said Sunday that they liked what they heard from the pastor.

“We’ll give it a try,” said Becki Gibson of Sacramento She and her husband, Chris, have been married six years and have a 1-year-old daughter. She said having meaningful conversations every day about the relationship wasn’t going to be difficult for her. “But I think that part of the challenge will be hard for my husband.”

Jason and Christy Mizer of Elk Grove have been married 2 1/2 years. The couple, who had their arms around each other for most of the service, said they look forward to the program. “Sounds great to me. No problem,” said Jason Mizer.

One longtime married couple, sitting in the last row of the church, said they wanted to think about what they heard.

“I’m an old Baptist so this is kind of different thing for me to hear in church.” said Jack Castleberry, 70, who has been married to his wife, Elaine, for 44 years. He said he did not know if they are going to take the challenge. “It’s (sex) a Godly thing, it was created by God. We have to talk about it.”

After the services, Smith said he hadn’t gotten any negative feedback, and many told him they were sure God was going to do wonderful things in their church. One member also asked if the pastor had a series prepared for a possible baby boom at the church nine months from now.

“I didn’t expect that,” said Smith. “I guess that’s one way to grow a church.”

Written by tfheringer

January 12, 2009 at 5:10 pm

The Saul of Tarsus of 2008

from true discernment

by John Baker

Acts 8:3:

As for Saul, he made havoc of the church, entering every house, and dragging off men and women, committing them to prison.

Acts 9:1-2:

Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.

Much is being written about Rick Warren Apologist Richard Abanes who has had Ken Silva’s Apprising ministries website shut down after a threat of legal action against Apprising Ministries web hosting service ipower.

I have had my own personal run in’s with Mr. Abanes. He makes it a regular practice of roaming around the internet breathing threats against those who not only recognize the false teachings of Rick Warren but also Mr. Abanes rabid support of Rick Warren’s continuing dismantling of Biblical Christianity!

I cannot help but see the parallels between Richard Abanes and the pre-converted Saul! And Rick Warren’s purpose driven movements parallel with the Pharisee’s of Jesus day.

And this is the irony today of Richard Abanes and Rick Warren calling those who stand on Biblical Truth”Pharisee’s”. Such is the spiritual blindness of these men that they cannot see that they are in fact the ones who reflect most closely what a “Pharisee” is.

Most people identify a Pharisee as one who is over legalistic in regards to what the Bible says. However this is a stunted and incomplete view of what the Pharisees were all about.

While it is true that the Pharisee’s tended to be very legalistic and rigid in regards to the written Jewish Law (The Old Testament). Their greater sin was in holding that non-Biblical oral tradition (The Oral Law) was just as important or more important than the written law. While this oral tradition (Oral Law) contradicted in most cases what the written law (Old Testament) actually said. The Pharisees skirted this contradiction by holding that you could not understand the written law by just reading the plain text, but instead the actual meanings had to be interpreted within the context of the oral tradition (Oral Law).

But what you have to understand is that by Jesus day, the Jews had strayed far from God, they had allowed the introduction of paganistic thought and practice into Judaism over a period of some four hundred years since Ezra had led a remnant of about 5000 Jews back from Babylon to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple.

The Pharisees of Jesus’ day still counted themselves as true followers of God because they claimed they still followed the written law (The Old Testament) however as Jesus spoke in Mark 7:5-13:

“Then the Pharisees and scribes asked Him, “Why do Your disciples not walk according to the tradition of the elders, but eat bread with unwashed hands?” He answered and said to them, “Well did Isaiah prophesy of you hypocrites, as it is written:

‘ This people honors Me with their lips,
But their heart is far from Me.
And in vain they worship Me,
Teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.’

For laying aside the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men[c]—the washing of pitchers and cups, and many other such things you do. ”He said to them, “All too well you reject the commandment of God, that you may keep your tradition. For Moses said, ‘Honor your father and your mother’; and, ‘He who curses father or mother, let him be put to death.’ But you say, ‘If a man says to his father or mother, “Whatever profit you might have received from me is Corban”—’ (that is, a gift to God), then you no longer let him do anything for his father or his mother, making the word of God of no effect through your tradition which you have handed down. And many such things you do.”

Do you see the problem with the Pharisees? Even though they said they held to the written law (the old testament) by their elevation of fallen and corrupted oral traditions they had made the laws of the written law (the Old Testament) “of none effect”! meaning their fallen and corrupted oral traditions obscured the Truth!

And this is what Rick Warren does! He validates the corrupted traditions of what he calls the “Church Fathers” while as the same time claiming he holds to what the Bible says. He introduces and promotes “pagan” ideologies in his Purpose Driven Movement (Atheistic based psychology teaching methods).But his elevation of the traditions of the corrupted thoughts of the Church Fathers, and atheistic psychology makes the Biblical truth that he says he does hold to “of none effect” or in other words he obscures the truth!

Also The Pharisees didn’t really want to be good, they just wanted to look good (Mat 23:25-27). Why? Because “they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God” (John 12:43). Jesus condemned the Pharisees by saying, “you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness” (Mat 23:28). Jesus said the Pharisees were filled with lawlessness because they did not keep God’s law (Mat 15:3-9; 22:15-18; 23:23), and that they mainly tried to appear righteous before men (Mat 23:23-28).

And just as the Pharisees, Rick Warren loves the adulation of the world! He loves to be seen as one who is working to solve all of the world’s problems with his P.E.A.C.E. plan. He loves to utilize the mass media to seem to be Christian, but all the while using the mass media to change what it means to be a Christian, from a Biblical Definition to one derived from his own corrupted non-Biblical ideas and those of fallen and corrupted traditions.

And just like the Pharisees of Jesus day, Rick Warren has a very brutal way of dealing with those who oppose his false message: boot them out of the church and send messages around to other churches smearing the resister!

And just like Saul, Richard Abanes travels around the internet breathing threats against “those of the way” to bring them “to justice” and silence them.

I am quite sure that if Rick Warren was able to, he would, like the Pharisees have all those who resist his false message, sent to prison! And Richard Abanes would be his chief bounty hunter to search, root out, and bring in chains all those who resist Rick Warren! In the mean time he is “chaining up” their message of Biblical truth!

What we are seeing now is a foretaste of what the Anti-Christ will do to those who resist him!

Wake up from your slumber Church! This latest salvo is a warning shot of what is coming for ALL those who hold to Biblical Truth!

Stand Fast!

John Baker

Bishop Eddie Long and Homosexuality?

from I am speaking the truth

It appears as though Eddie Long is doing what many (including his detractors) thought would NEVER happen…bend to the will of the homosexual lobby.

I must admit that I’m saddened by this apparent revelation. Sure, I have theological disagreements with Eddie Long because of his allegiance to the false prosperity gospel, his daft ability to twist scripture like an old pro, and his spawning of clones across the country.

Despite all of this, Eddie still stood firmly on the Word of God in reiterating that homosexuality is a sin that God will not ignore. He even led a march through downtown Atlanta in 2004 in support of heterosexual marriage.

Now, it appears that Eddie is bowing to pressure from the pro-gay lobby, has met the group Soulforce (a “gay christian” organization), and told Soulforce that there are “things about homosexuality that he needs to learn”.

So what is it that Eddie doesn’t “understand” about homosexuality? He’s been preaching against it all of his pastoral life, and he’s questioning scripture’s position regarding the subject now?

Our brother Pastor Foster over at Gay Christian Movement Watch first alerted us of this impending attempt of Soulforce to “dialogue” with Eddie last week (i.e. get him to see their point of view) (click here, here, here, and here for more details), and our brother Independent Conservative posted about it earlier this week as well.

You can see pictures of Soulforce’s visit with Eddie and his staff here, and you can read the article in a pro-gay newspaper that details the visit. Here’s an interesting quote from the article:

The meeting ended with Soulforce members offering to lead workshops at New Birth on human sexuality. Renee said the church is considering its options.

Homosexuality is a sin, and no “workshop on human sexuality” will change that fact. The Soulforce coalition seemed pretty happy to be at Club New Birth, but the CNB staff seemed elated for the opportunity to meet with them.

Unless this meeting was called to preach salvation and repentance from homosexual sin, it should’ve never been held (1 Corinthians 5). These Soulforce members have heard the truth, REJECTED IT, and “tweaked it” to fit THEIR AGENDA.

Let me be CRYSTAL CLEAR – God loves us even in our mess – and in turn, our love for Him and His truth means we must leave our mess behind. We are filthy rags, deserving eternal damnation apart from the redeeming Blood of Jesus Christ and the turning away from our flesh. This is an uncompromisable point. We can’t honestly serve a sinless Savior while holding onto the things that He hates!

I am not a “gay basher”, a homophobe, a “hater” or any other pejorative that will probably be hurled my way. I’m not perfect, nor will I try to reason the varying degrees of “sin”. I understand that many have been hurt through sexual molestation, and confused regarding same-sex attraction, etc. Homosexuality is a sin – and like every other unrepentant sin, it’s consequence is eternal separation from the Father. I stand on the Word of God, specifically:

Is there deliverance from homosexuality? ABSOLUTELY – 1 Corinthians 6:11 and 2 Corinthians 5:17 specifically speaks of deliverance over ANY SIN through salvation and faith in Jesus Christ.

Further, EVERY CHRISTIAN will struggle against sin – including sins of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-21). What separates us from the world, however, is that we always repent and turn back to God. You can’t be “gay” and call yourself a true Christian if you continue in homosexual sin – remember, 1 Corinthians 6:11 Paul said “you were (fill in the blank)”…meaning before sanctification through the Blood of Jesus.

You’re either “ex-gay” or an “ex-Christian”.

The truth hurts, and it could be considered “offensive” to anyone that it speaks against – BUT THAT DOES NOT NEGATE IT’S MERIT.

The bottom line is this – Eddie Long has just (apparently) lost the firm footing he had on scripture as it relates to this particular sin.

Should he have attempted to evangelize the Gospel truth to sinners? YES! Should he have entertained an audience of unrepentant sinners (and their partners) in an attempt to assuage scripture for their comfort? ABSOLUTELY NOT!

To all of the Eddie Long sympathizers that ignore EVERYTHING else he’s ever done, can you overlook this too?

In accordance to 2 John 1:10-11, I WILL NOTentertain comments from Soulforce sympathizers, anyone who wishes to argue about being “born gay”, or anyone attempting to defend this meeting.

It is what it is – if you disagree, then visit a blog that supports your assertions – I will stand on the uncompromised, immutable, irrefutable Word of God.

Written by tfheringer

June 22, 2008 at 3:22 pm

Bush becoming a Catholic?

This is going to have long term ramifications from the Christian right. I am not a part of the so called Christian right. I am a Conservative, but do not align myself with these people. However, this is kind of like a betrayal. I am sure that at the Judgment seat there are going to be a lot of surprised Roman Catholics that they will not be there, because they trusted in the wrong Christ. Yes, the Roman Catholic Christ is not the same as the one I call the Lord Jesus. Their Christ was married to Mary apparently, you need to read The Two Babylons to get what I am talking about.

Bush Becoming a Catholic?
Monday, June 16, 2008 11:05 AM

By: Jim Meyers

President Bush may follow in the footsteps of his brother Jeb and convert to Catholicism, several European papers are reporting.

In the wake of the president’s visit to see Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican, Italian newspapers, citing Vatican sources, said Bush was open to the idea of converting to Catholicism.

The Italian newspaper Il Foglio referred to such talk about Bush’s possible conversion and stated that “anything is possible, especially for someone reborn like Bush.”

Noting that Tony Blair converted to Catholicism after leaving office as Britain’s prime minister last year, the paper also stated that “if anything happens, it will happen after he finishes his period as president, not before. It is similar to Blair’s case, but with different circumstances.”

President Bush welcomed Pope Benedict XVI warmly when he visited the U.S. in April. And Vatican watchers noted that Bush met privately with the pontiff in the private gardens of the Vatican last Friday – an unprecedented place for the Pope to meet a head of state. Typically, the Vatican gardens are used by the Pope for private reflection.

A Vatican spokesman said the Pope used the unusual locale to reciprocate for the “warmth” Bush showed when the two met in Washington.

Though the Catholic Church has criticized the U.S. war in Iraq, Bush has been an ardent supporter of pro-life issues; he has staunchly opposed stem-cell research; and he opposes gay marriage – all issues important for Rome.

Currently Bush belongs to a Methodist church in Texas and attends an Episcopal church in Washington, D.C.

A friend of Bush, Father George William Rutler – who converted to Catholicism in 1979 – told the Catholic News Agency that Bush “is not unaware of how evangelicalism, by comparison with Catholicism, may seem more limited both theologically and historically.”

© 2008 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

Written by tfheringer

June 17, 2008 at 12:33 pm

Hagee not a Fundamentalist?

On the basis of this article I have some comments to make about John Hagee. He is a traitor to the Christian faith, once delivered unto the saints. He claims to not be a fundamentalist and then goes on to set up a straw man as a fundamentalist. He knocks down the snake handlers laughling claiming that they are fundamentalists. Goes on further and claims to believe the bible and practice it. Meaning he takes the bible literally when it is to his advantage. I would like to select out of this article several quotes and then comment on them. This includes a comment out of the editors notes. You can read the full article by clicking here. It is not my intention here to ride piggy back on anyones answers, but to point out inconsistencies with the Historical Christian Faith. The title of the article is intact below.

Christian Zionist Leader Hagee in Unprecedented Appearance at Reform Temple

Editor’s note: ” Hagee is also controversial for slurs against Catholicism (noted recently when he endorsed John McCain), Islam, gays — even Reform and Conservative Jews. Hagee/CUFI hold “Nights to Honor Israel” in cities around the country, usually at Christian churches.”

By Robin Podolsky, March 17, 2008. Special to

“On Tuesday, March 11, the Reverend John C. Hagee spoke as a guest at Stephen S. Wise, a Reform Temple in West Los Angeles (Podolsky,”

This kind of strikes me strange, that he did not use this choice opportunity to present the claims of the Messiah? I imagine that also kind of perplexed this reformed Jewish congregation as well. This was toted as a dialog, which to me gave him the right to inject into his part of this dialog the claims of the Messiah Jesus (Christ Jesus is Messiah Savior). Again he missed one of those golden opportunities. The Lord Jesus Christ used His opportunities to press his claims when He spoke to His people in their synagogues, now why should not Hagee use the same opportunity? This brings another area of quandary to the fore front, it seems that Hagee has multiple gospels, one for the gentiles and one for the Jews, oh! Jews that have faith, even though it is not faith in the finished work of their Messiah. He even goes so far as to claim Jesus forsook His being the Messiah. He needs to read his bible just a little more closely, news flash Jesus was the Messiah and accepted it fully. He was rejected by the Jewish religious leaders of His day.

“When asked to identify himself theologically, Reverend Hagee said that he is Evangelical, which means that he “reads scripture” and then simply “does it.” He said that he is not fundamentalist, because he does not wish to be identified with the sort of people who handle snakes. (This was not the only time when Reverend Hagee appeared to cater to a prejudice that he expected his audience to share. At one point, he invited the mixed audience of Jews and evangelicals to commiserate with the difficulties of winning Texas “rednecks” to the task of combating anti-Semitism; he also described a rushed, hurried prayer as being like that of “a Presbyterian late for lunch.”) (Podolsky,”

Hagee claims to be an evangelical and not a Fundamentalist. He states that an evangelical is one who ‘”reads scripture and then simply “does it.” Two interesting things about this statement, that strikes me as being a little off base, OK a lot of base, he has not defined what an evangelical is, only what an evangelical does. Wheaton College gives a good definition as to what an evangelical is and it seems to me that the snake handlers fit in better with the evangelicals then with Fundamentalists.

Defining Evangelicalism

“The term “Evangelicalism” is a wide-reaching definitional “canopy” that covers a diverse number of Protestant groups. The term originates in the Greek word evangelion, meaning “the good news,” or, more commonly, the “gospel.” During the Reformation, Martin Luther adapted the Greek term, dubbing his breakaway movement the evangelische kirke, or “evangelical church”-a name still generally applied to the Lutheran Church in Germany.In the English-speaking world, however, the modern usage usually connotes the religious movements and denominations which sprung forth from a series of revivals that swept the North Atlantic Anglo-American world in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries. Key figures associated with these revivals included the itinerant English evangelist George Whitefield (1715-1770); the founder of Methodism John Wesley (1703-1791) ; and, the American philosopher and theologian, Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758). These revivals were particularly responsible for the rise of the Baptists and Methodists from obscure sects to their traditional position as America’s two largest Protestant denominational families.(Wheaton College)”

Then he carried his form of prejudice one step further by “equating red necks of Texas” as being in need of conversion to his form of supporting the state of Israel. In the same breath here he is implying that Fundamentalists are ignorant fools, because we supposedly do not support the state of Israel. Finally, what does a hurried prayer have to do with “a Presbyterian late for lunch”. Some of his metaphors are very confusing, but the drift is he is trying to appease an audience, rather then stand for the truth.

Which brings me to the obvious question, if this is what an evangelical is, then what is a Fundamentalist? Cutting Edge gives this definition of what a Christian Fundamentalist is:

“….Fundamentalism, however, has never been and never could be limited to the affirmations of any particular denomination. The Fundamentals of Fellowship transcend denominational distinctives, and they do so without weakening or compromising such distinctives. For example, Fundamentalists have always been good Presbyterians or good Baptists and still able to fellowship with Fundamentalists of other groups. While Fundamentalists certainly do differ among themselves on certain interpretations of Scripture, they unite in fellowship and “common purpose for the defense of the Faith and the preaching of the Gospel,” accepting the Bible alone, without question, as the divinely and verbally inspired, inerrant, and authoritative Word of God.” (Emphasis in the original).(Cutting Edge)”

This definition of what a Fundamentalist really is does not bare any resemblance to the snake handlers of John Hagee. This is the worst kind of mis-information in an era of mis-information. The sad thing is that Hagee and others get away with this pandering confusing type of thinking. What ends up happening is they listen to men like Hagee and then when they run into a real Fundamentalist, such as myself, they thing we are snake handlers. A person who supposedly represents the Christian community (which Hagee doesn’t represent all of the Christian community) they automatically think we handle snakes. This is full of a very devastating effect on the nature of truth and how we know it (epistemology). The Bible is truth with out any admixture of error and is authoritative in all matters of faith and practice. This includes everything from Genesis to Revelation, if Hagee really did understand what a Fundamentalist is he would have taken a strong stand for what we believe.

Not understanding what is at the basis of the Fundamentalist controversy is very obvious, but this ignorance on the part of Hagee is devastating. He has single handily (maybe not so much single handily) placed Fundamentalists on the defensive. As far as this Christian writer is concerned I stand separated from the likes of John Hagee, but am still standing on the firm ground of faith in the scriptures as our only rule for faith and practice. The scriptures are verbally and plenarly inspired, being without error in their original manuscripts.

“When Rabbi Woznica asked the Reverend if he was a literalist, he said that he was and that he did believe that the world was really created in six days and that Noah’s ark was real. On the other hand, in response to a follow-up question from Rabbi Woznica, Reverend Hagee said that he does not believe a Sabbath-breaker ought to be stoned to death, referring to Biblical laws as ‘word pictures’ that indicate ‘principles.’ Pressed further, Hagee said that he takes stories of miracles literally and that his belief in God as all-powerful and all-knowing has ‘never’ been shaken.(Podolsky,”

Now this is real confusing, Hagee says he is a literalist and believes in the biblical doctrine of Creation, but he is not a Fundamentalist? These are issues that Fundamentalist will stand up for, the issues that are of concern to Fundamentalists are wrapped up in the question of the integrity of the Scriptures. The whole set of arguments that came out of old German liberalism set in question the reliability of the scriptures. It was these issues that the old Fundamentalists (as well as this one) stood against and wrote extensively about. For instance of those men in that generation there was G. Gresham Machen, who wrote The Virgin Birth of Christ a biblical defense of the virgin birth from the scriptures. Hagee is apparently unable to defend the scriptures from attack, because he does not even understand the arguments.

Now I do not get it, is he denying that the law of Moses did not prescribe the death sentence for Sabbath breaking? If that is the case he is not really ignorant, just sadly a deadhead. He says he reads the scriptures and applies the truths, but it is obvious in this case that is not true here. If he is clarifying how the scriptures apply to life today, he is not real clear as to how that is done. “Word Pictures”, or “principles” means absolutely nothing if you do not understand what was meant in its context. What he is missing is how God felt and feels about those who violate His law. In fact it was so serious to violate the law of Moses on the issue of the Sabbath, that the punishment for so doing was death. Which, opens up a whole lot of other issues, such as the first two commandments. There is only one true God and all others are idols. This makes worship very specific, worshiping God, must have scriptural content and that means that anyone that attempts to worship any other way is not worshiping God. This means that only Christians can really worship God, because in the church age the gospel has been entrusted to Christians. The Jews, Muslims, Catholics do not worship the only true God, but one that man has defined.

“Rabbi Woznica pressed the point in reference to Reverend Hagee’s famous remark that Hurricane Katrina can be best understood as God’s punishment for sin, homosexuality in particular. Hagee didn’t answer directly but responded with a précis of the blessings and curses described in Deuteronomy as the recompense for obedience or sin. He then went on to say that when a tragedy occurs, “you don’t know that day if it is a tragedy,” re-telling the story of Joseph who thought he was having a bad day when his brothers sold him into slavery and who later realized that the series of events leading to his position of leadership in Egypt represented the work of God on behalf of his entire people.(Podolsky,”

I do not blame the Rabbi for pressing the point, it is obvious that Hagee does not have the nerve to back up his statements. If he is unable to give any proof to the truth of his statements, then he has no business making the statement in the first place. Most certainly Hurricane Katrina was a part of the judgement of God, but not any more then any other disasters have been historically. It can be seen in scripture the relationship between disasters, such as Sodom and Gomorrah, and how God has dealt with a sinful mankind. However, it is not a prudent idea to make a statement such as he has when there are so many others that need to be made. I can not understand why he failed to confront the Jewish People with the sin of their disobedience from the point of Sinai to the death of Christ. I do not hold that the Jewish people alone were responsible for the Crucifixion anymore then Pilot was. It took Jews and Gentiles to put the Messiah to death. It took God to bring Him back to life literally. It is obvious from reading him that Hagee does not believe in the sovereignty of God.

“Then the tone of the conversation changed abruptly. Rabbi Woznica asked the Revered if we are always obliged “to forgive.” Hagee said that we are only obliged to forgive in response to a promise of changed behavior, because to forgive without a promise of different conduct is to “make the grace of God an accomplice to evil.” The Reverend went on to remind us of the story of Jesus and the adulterous woman-Jesus, whom Hagee described as a “Reform Rabbi” (!) rescued from the crowd “of Pharisees” about to stone her and told her to “go and sin no more.” The point being that the woman was forgiven, but not without conditions.(Podolsky,”

This one makes me laugh, this is the exact same question that the temple authorities asked Christ. They were constantly trying to trip Him up with questions that they thought would cause Him to make a mistake so they could jump on Him about it. This is exactly what happened in Matthew 18:21-22, I include it here so you can see how wrong Hagee is: (Mat 18:21) Then came Peter to him, and said, Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? till seven times? (Mat 18:22) Jesus saith unto him, I say not unto thee, Until seven times: but, Until seventy times seven. Where in this scripture does Jesus make a condition of forgiveness only when their is changed behavior? I will tell you it does not make even remotely one condition such as Hagee describes. We are to forgive as many times as it takes and permanently if necessary.

“Support of Israel?
Reverend Hagee said that he wished the audience to understand that his work “in support of Israel” was not aimed at conversion of Jews to Christianity. He then expressed irritation at being asked if his work with Christians United For Israel (CUFI, which Hagee heads) had to do with the Apocalypse. He said, “Only a moron would ask a question like that.(Podolsky,”

He had the Gall to say “Only a moron would ask a question like that.” When in another mans house you do not call him a moron when he asks the question. He only said that to avoid having to answer the question. The answer is simple Israel will come corporately to God in His time, that is God’s time. The Apocalypse is now closer at hand then it has ever been before. Should Christians sit back and refuse to support Israel, because it might be trying to grease the wheel? Hagee you were invited so you should have told them the truth, now they have no idea of what an evangelical Christian believes let alone a Fundamentalist.

Rabbi Woznica smiled and said that the question had been “on his list.” However, perhaps because he was uncomfortable at the possibility of his guest calling him a moron or because he was distracted with other questions, he never returned to the issue again.(Podolsky,”

I feel for the Rabbi and I do not blame him for not returning to this question, he should have called Hagee on this one, if for the sake of the ignorance of Hagee

“Therefore, the audience never got a chance to hear what the Reverend would have said if someone had asked him to explain his dismissal, in advance, of any discussion of the Apocalypse in the context of the discussion that followed.(Podolsky,”

I am going to take these two sections to gether one point at a time:

“At one point, Reverend Hagee said that, following the example of his father, also a minister, he regards the founding of the State of Israel to be the most important event of the 20th Century-because this ‘in-gathering’ is a necessary prelude to the rebuilding of the Temple, the battle of Armageddon and revelation of the Messiah, whom Hagee believes to be Jesus Christ. At the sight of the Messiah, the “remnant” of the Jews who would be left after the Armageddon struggle (Hagee coyly observed that while, remnant sounds bad, “we don’t actually know how big a remnant is”) would “weep at the sight of the one whose side they (!) had pierced.” This account is absolutely at odds with Hagee’s earlier statement that it is wrong to interpret the Christian Bible to suggest that the Jews killed Jesus, because that killing was actually a “Roman conspiracy.” Rabbi Woznica, doing his game best to follow the argument, did not interrupt to point out this inconsistency.(Podolsky,”

What kind of gets me wondering is that Hagee is unaware of what he has said? He changes his doctrinal beliefs so quickly that it gets hard to follow him. First he says that all Jews are going to be saved, because Jesus had saved them whether they like it or not. Then he talks about a very real remenant that is described in detail in the book of Revelation, written by a Jews mind you. His making the killing of Christ solely a Roman thing, ignores the strong evidence in the gospels for the involvement of the leaders of the Jews. There is no evidence that the Crucifixion was a “Roman conspiracy”, but their is evidence that there was a Jewish temple leadership conspiracy. Does that mean all Jews are responsible for the death of Christ? No they are not, remember we are talking about a historical event during Jewish times. Conspiracy aside were the Romans also responsible, yes they were, they did the actual Crucifixion. My answer is that it took Jews and Gentiles to put the savior to death.

“To this Reform audience, Hagee insisted that CUFI is a ‘one-issue’ organization that does nothing but “support Israel,” sending out lobbying brigades to Congress with focused talking points on that subject alone. But he was never asked how, in light of his belief that the War of Armageddon is necessary to the chain of events that will bring on the world to come, such a belief colors his notion of what “support” for Israel means. (The Rabbi admitted that he has not read Hagee’s book, Jerusalem Countdown, and asked Reverend Hagee to send him a copy.)(Podolsky,”

I salute the Rabbi if he reads this book after being called a moron! I think that the moron was probably Hagee. If I understand prophecy well, nothing that we do on this side of the Rapture will have any effect on what is going to come down on the other side. This means that the only effect will be the same type that occurred between the end of the dispensation of law and the start of the dispensation of grace. Certainly there will probably be some overlapping. That is some things that happened before will have lasting results.

‘Christian right leaders on CUFI’s board
Hagee also has, on the Board of CUFI, assembled the most socially right wing Christian ministers, who are working, actively, to re-brand the United States as a Christian nation. Hagee was never asked how, if he believes that the removal of Jews from the United States to Israel is an eschatological necessity and, if he is working to turn our constitutional democracy into a Christian nation, what he thinks the role of Jews as US citizens ought to be.(Podolsky,”

This point here is debated among students of end time eschatology, but the bottom line is the anti-Christ will line up to defend Israel and make a compact to give Israel 7 years of peace. The peace will be broken mid way thru the 7 years. This the way the scriptures lay it out, but there is a lot of detail that is not covered in scripture.

“He admitted that the Crusaders were “liars, murderers, rapists and thieves;” that Jews were tortured during the Inquisition; that the perpetrators of the Holocaust were, for the most part “baptized Christians in good standing within their congregations.” He admitted the anti-Jewish screed of Martin Luther. (And, no, he was never asked to explain his remark that the Catholic Church is a “whore.”) Hagee said it was time that Christians acknowledged the anti-Judaism that has run through Christian history and “asked forgiveness.(Podolsky,”‘

Finally the last point here is that Hagee does one good thing he admits that persecution of the Jewish people has been going on for a long time. I have a hard time believing that the so called baptised Christians in good standing within their congregations were good Christians. Hagee needs to do some reading about what Hitler did to the churches in Germany. I am not going to cover it here, but may do so later. Needless to say, the churches in Germany were under the thumb of the Nazi’s. It is time to admit that many wrong things have been done to the Jewish people over the last 2,000 years. However, there is also the long line of Baptist believers stretching back to the New Testament who were also treated to cruelty and death. The Jewish people were not by their selves in this area, Rome is indeed a whore and she has wrecked her havoc on many peoples. Ultimately she is going to be dragged to Judgement in front of our very sovereign God to give answer to HIM. I await the day when I do get to see my savior face to face and meet my Jewish friends who have proceeded me there. Yes there is such a thing as a Jewish Christian, for one thing Jesus was Jewish as were all the apostles. God bless

All of the quotes are from this article.

Written by tfheringer

June 11, 2008 at 11:30 pm

Just a nagging question?

What did evolutionists think was going to happen to society when they took the Bible and God out of it. Did they honestly think they were going to create a better society? Did they really think that this brave new world they envisioned would be a morally pure one? Did they even take into consideration the empact of leaving the Ten Commandments out would make men good?

The end of the road is now clearly in site of where we stand. Certainly God does have much to say about what we are doing today, but the real question is do we really care?

If you do not want to believe in God and be a through going athiest, then evolution is exactly what you want. It takes God completely out of the equation the net result is a Godless society with no real meaningful rules. No one to tell us we should not be acting this way or not. I am not alone in saying that you asked for a society with no moral rules, except those you like, this is exactly what you earned. No rules mean school shootings, skyrocketing crime rates, divorce at an all time high rate and of course then there is always the question of the moral morase brought to us by excepting homosexuals as just a different life style as opposed to being an abomination to God. These things have brought us to a cross roads of sorts, will we keep going down this road or can we change directions before it is eternally to late. You should have listened to one of your own prophets and taken a moment to meditate before you took this step.

“I have always been strongly in favor of secular education without theology, but I must confess that I have been no less seriously perplexed to know by what practical measures the religious feeling, which is the essential basis of moral conduct, is to be kept up in the present utterly chaotic state of opinion on these matters without the use of the Bible.”

Written by tfheringer

June 11, 2008 at 8:49 pm

Sacramento, is this church?

This is really pathetic, that the church that the Reformation founded through John Knox has sunk to this kind of thing. However, since they really do not have anything anymore, then it is to be expected.

“Members of Sacramento’s Faith Presbyterian Church found religion Saturday in knitting and crocheting, baking and boiling, weeding and planting.

The Greenhaven/Pocket area church canceled its regular Sunday services this week and instead asked people to give up their weekend to help others.

Its theme, “Don’t go to church, be the church,” is part of a movement that’s spreading through churches across the country.

“It’s a chance to get our hands dirty and serve together,” said Faith’s pastor, the Rev. Jeff Chapman.

More than 300 volunteers are expected to help with 14 projects Saturday and today during what the church is calling Compassion Weekend.

Mainly church regulars but also students and neighbors, they’ll be doing everything from painting walls at senior living facilities to playing with kids living in public housing.

“I would love if one church did this every weekend,” said Carey Kincaid, a member of the church committee organizing the event.

The delectable smells of blueberry cakes, cheesy broccoli bakes and chicken patties filled the church Saturday as volunteers put together a week’s worth of meals for about three dozen people with health problems or other challenges.

“When there’s an illness, food preparation is the first thing to go,” said volunteer Miki Vohryzek-Bolden.

The church asked Vohryzek-Bolden, who labels herself a nondenominational traveling cook, to help with its Cooking for Friends program.

The retired criminal justice professor tries to encourage what she calls “cooking communities” – making food for those who need it.

In another room at the church, crocheters and knitters crafted patchwork blankets for the Children’s Receiving Home, an emergency shelter in Sacramento.

“If we’re giving to children, there’s nothing more comforting than a warm blanket,” said Amy Bundock, a senior at Kennedy High School and a church member who headed up the project.

Earlier this year, Bundock and her mother started knitting squares. Volunteers knitted more on Saturday, then crocheted 42 squares together to make each blanket. They hope to make at least a dozen.

Although he had never crocheted before, Greg Mar quickly learned Saturday.

The Kennedy High junior, who’s not a member of Faith church, was fulfilling part of his community service requirement with the National Honor Society.

“This way I can spend time with friends and help out the community,” he said.”

Written by tfheringer

May 7, 2008 at 9:00 pm

A Prophet of God or a Prophet of Man

A true prophet of God does not exist during the church age. These were only necessary to the new testament churches. There are no true prophets during the church age after the completion of the cannon of scripture (the rule or measurement of scripture), because the scriptures measure the truthfulness or spirituality not what we think or some one else says. There are two sides to a prophet, first is foretelling of a truth previously hid and second is forth telling of the same truth. This does not mean that the aspect that goes with the prophet of telling forth truths from God’s Word isn’t still happening. The point is that the scriptures are sufficient in all mater’s of faith and practice (sometimes referred to as Sola Scriptura), because the scriptures are inerrant in the original manuscripts, but are trustworthy for our practices and beliefs.
Paul’s advice to Timothy in “2Ti 2:15  Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” This would not have been necessary if we derive truth from inside of us or if we derived truth from from prophets. Christ centered and Bible oriented has been the main emphasis among Christian Fundamentalists for a long time.

Our new testament churches today only need the scriptures, because the scriptures are “2Ti 3:15  And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.” Nothing else is necessary, just the truth of God’s Word centered on the person of our Savior Jesus Christ.

Written by tfheringer

April 23, 2008 at 2:03 pm