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Archive for the ‘Christ’ Category

Actor Kirk Cameron takes on the Darwinists

from JBS

Actor Kirk Cameron is finding himself at the center of a firestorm because of his beliefs. Since his conversion to Christianity from atheism 20 years ago, Cameron has become increasingly outspoken concerning his faith in recent years. Now, in this purported “Year of Darwin,” the 38-year-old actor has become active in countering…more

Little Town Bullied Out of Prayer

from CADC


Thursday, 17 September 2009 16:02

The City Council of Tehachapi, California has become another victim of bullying by the Freedom from Religion Foundation. Tehachapi City Hall

In keeping with their customary practice, the Tehachapi city council invited local clergy to open up its meetings with prayer. But the Freedom from Religion Foundation has threatened to sue because some prayers have been offered in Jesus’ name.

This bullying tactic is regularly used to intimidate small cities into eliminating all signs of religious expression because of the high cost of defending their rights.

The Supreme Court has already ruled that it is Constitutional to begin meetings with prayer. But to avoid a costly battle, the Tehachapi council decided they would say the Pledge of Allegiance instead.


Contact the Tehachapi City Council today and encourage them to stand up for their Constitutional rights! Tell them to pray and say the pledge!

Written by tfheringer

September 17, 2009 at 7:17 pm

Christians Persecuted in Pakistan

from VOM


In our day as a general rule Christians do not go around burning Mosques, but apparently Muslims do:

“It took more than five hours for emergency personnel to reach the mob scene. By that time, eight Christians were dead, 100 Christian homes and one church building were burned. Christians had to use vegetable carts to transport dead and wounded family members to the hospital. All this death and destruction occurred because of a rumor — a Christian had torn the pages of the Quran. It was a rumor later proven false.”

Outside of the crusades I am unaware of any instances of a Christian mob or riot that resulted in the burning of a mob. As for the crusades they were instigated by the pope and are not representative of the historical thinking of all Christians. So do not go and place us together in the same box. The Bible is being abused and destroyed in our day, but you do not see Christians burning buildings or killing people over it. There is much more to be gained by peacefully protesting abuses then there is by a mob mentality.

Apparently Muslims have a problem with humility or the whole concept of being humble. They seem to equate humility with humiliation. When we as Christians exhibit humility they view it as a weakness.

“As a result, Islam looks upon people who are genuinely humble as being weak. Which brings up an interesting Catch-22 when dealing with the Muslim world today: if the West portrays itself as humble, it indicates weakness and that it is ripe for attack; if the West portrays itself as strong, it is perceived as humiliating Muslims and therefore it must be attacked.” (see Elder of Ziyon)

Maybe it is this characteristic of Christ in the gospels that so irritates the Muslim. Remember the world has hated Christ long before it hated us.

Written by tfheringer

September 1, 2009 at 3:22 pm

Posted in Christ, Jesus, Muslim