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from apprising ministries

By Ken Silva pastor-teacher on Apr 4, 2009 in Current Issues, Theology

Even as one who holds to the Biblical Reformed doctrines of grace it is still surprising how fast and how far this apostasy within mainstream evangelicalism is spreading. And with it a myriad of aberrant and heretical offshoots, one of which that’s gaining increasing popularity within the nearly spiritually comatose spiritually evanjellyfish is Open Theism (OT). A particularly popular preacher of OT would be Greg Boyd who’s especially soothing to the itching ears in the postliberal cult of  Emergence Christianity as evidenced by e.g. Rob Bell having Boyd come speak at his Mars Hill Bible Church.

Apprising Ministries believes that truly those who are apostatizing have no shame because not only are they attacking of God’s absolute sovereignty in man’s salvation but now they are even more boldly attacking the omniscience of the LORD God Almighty Creator of Heaven and earth. In this excellent and thoroughly Biblical article solidly refuting Boyd’s heretical dream of open theism Bob DeWaay writes:

In recent years, some evangelicals have rekindled an old controversy by asserting that God does not have exhaustive foreknowledge. That is to say that He does not know everything that is going to happen. This is an old controversy. For example, Jonathan Edwards devoted many pages of his famous book, A Careful and Strict Inquiry into the Modern Prevailing Notions of the Freedom of the Will, Which is Supposed to be Essential to Moral Agency, Virtue and Vice, Reward and Punishment, Praise and Blame (commonly known as Freedom of the Will for obvious reasons). Edwards wrote:

First, I am to prove, that God has an absolute and certain foreknowledge of the free actions of moral agents. One would think it should be wholly needless to enter on such an argument with any that profess themselves Christians: but so it is, God’s certain foreknowledge of the free acts of moral agents is denied by some that pretend to believe the Scriptures to be the Word of God; especially of late.

This was the situation in the eighteenth century. Edward’s work on this issue is profound and timeless. He supplies page after page of Scriptural proof that God foreknows the future choices of free moral agents. In this article I shall respond to a recent challenge issued in the book God of the Possible by Gregory A. Boyd. He writes: “What is particularly sad about the current state of this debate is that Scripture seems to be playing a small role in it. Most published criticisms raised against the open view have largely ignored the biblical grounds on which open theists base their position.”

If it is so that published criticisms do not interact with the specific Scriptures put forth to support the “open” position, then I shall make a contribution toward rectifying this. In this essay I will interact with several of Dr. Boyd’s key proof texts, though space does not permit dealing with all of them. I shall show that the passages cited, if taken in their Biblical context, do not prove Dr. Boyd’s assertion that God lacks knowledge of some of the future… (Online source)

Less specific to the musings of Greg Boyd, in his excellent four part look at the heresy of Open Theism, Dr. Gary Gilley begins:

Any war is composed of major battles and minor skirmishes. The skirmishes, while often little more than irritants in the big picture, nevertheless cannot be ignored. True casualties are often the result of such conflict and the military ignores them at its own peril. Still, the war is won or lost on the front lines where the primary clash is taking place. So it is on the Christian battlefield. Relatively minor challenges to truth are constant. Overemphasis on this doctrine, ignorance of another, inordinate attention on emotions here, encroachment of the world’s mindset there.

Such altercations are disregarded at the high price of casualties among believers and churches alike. While we agree with the Puritan Richard Baxter that “charity should be practiced in all things”, we must also recognize that minor attacks on our flank, left unchallenged and uncorrected, tend to evolve into full-blown invasions that threaten the very heart of the church. Such is the issue before us today.

Open theism (also known as free-will theism, open theology and openness of God) was, until recently, a little-known stirring on the fringes of the evangelical camp. In 1980, few noticed and fewer cared about perennial rebel Clark Pinnock and his friends, who claimed they had discovered the “true” biblical understanding of God. But more recently their views have both matured and emerged into the mainstream of Christian thought through the writings of among others, Pinnock, Gregory A. Boyd, professor of theology at Bethel College (Baptist General Conference) and Professor John Sanders.

More lethal is the fact that this new concept of God is sneaking in through the backdoor of the camp by means of popular writers such as Phil Yancey, and the influence of men like Gilbert Bilezikian, who, as the resident theologian of the Willow Creek Community Church , wields tremendous power over the minds of many modern church leaders. Others in line with Yancey and Bilezikian include devotional/mystical writer Richard Foster and theologian Donald Bloesch. Particular danger of this latter group is that they may seldom, if ever, admit to holding open theistic convictions but espouse those views in attractive formats (e.g. Yancey’s popular book, Disappointment with God)… (Online source)  

See also:

Part Two Part Three Part Four

Answering Greg Boyd’s Openness of God Texts

Open Theism Part One

The Foreknowledge of God

Monergism: Open Theism

What Is Open Theism?

Pastoral Implications of Open Theism

Harry Reid: "It’s Not Nationalization"

from the JBS


Written by Christopher S. Bentley

Tuesday, 24 February 2009 14:17


I’m sure this joke has been around a loooonnng time, but I only first heard it in college.
Q: “How can you tell when a politician is lying?”
A: “His lips are moving.”

A little harsh, however….
















“I never obstructed justice.” “I’m not a crook.”

“Read my lips: no new taxes!”

“I did not have sexual relations with that woman Monica Lewinsky.”

“Saddam Hussein has gone to elaborate lengths … to build and keep weapons of mass destruction”


But what happens when certain politicians are confronted with evidence and facts so incontrovertible, that they have no choice to admit they were wrong?
They tell the truth, right?
Well, not really.

“It depends upon what the meaning of the word is… is…”

“I don’t think we force people. Our system of government is a voluntary tax system…. The fact of the matter is our system is a voluntary system.”

Perhaps Senator Reid missed the point that the people who are in prison who voluntarily decided not to pay, or whose assets the IRS seized, would beg to differ. But that’s a discussion for another time.
When I first saw Senator Reid’s rhetorical tap dance about voluntary taxes I thought it would be unmatched by any subsequent comments he might ever make.
I was wrong.
Now we’re told that the government taking over the banking system is not “nationalization.”

As Senator Reid told MSNBC, “It’s not nationalization, it’s protecting the taxpayers’ interests.”
According to Politico, “[Senator] Reid on Monday morning argued that the federal government has been involved in private sector for decades — taking over large chunks of the railroad and the highway system when those industries got into massive financial trouble.”
Yes, and Amtrak has operated at a loss for decades. It has only survived because of over $30 billion in subsidies during that whole period.
Don’t you feel protected now?
Occasionally, though, our elected politicians let their guard down, and in moments of candor, tell us lesser mortals what they really think.

Nancy Pelosi and Harry ReidThey do so when they are giddily flexing their political muscles and relishing the power they wield.

Consider this past summer’s unveiling of the new Capitol Visitor Center. Few will dispute that the building — both for crowd accommodation (three million visitors a year) and security purposes (shootings in 1998 and the attacks on 9/11) — was necessary.
But like everything else Washington does, the project ended up costing $621 million ($356 million over budget), and ran three years past its deadline.

Why did the company RTKL get the job for constructing the Capitol Visitor Center? According to the Wall Street Journal, “Incredibly…because it happened to be working on perimeter-security improvements at the Capitol.”
Hmmm. Let’s try again.
The Journal also noted, “There was no competition.”
That’s more plausible.
Anyway, what are a few hundred million dollars in today’s world when our government is bailing us out with trillions of dollars in more borrowed funds?
U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi — who is always willing to shovel generous helpings of taxpayer money at anything and everything — called this government boondoggle a fitting entrance to our nation’s “temple of Democracy.”

While the average American is struggling to pay next month’s mortgage, or put food on the table, the “Temple’s” entrance (with its ironically Orwellian name “Emancipation Hall”) was completed with a 20,000-square-foot marbled-floor plaza, and adorned with a number of amenities, including “plentiful bathrooms (26 here), a restaurant (with 530 seats), [and] an indoor lobby where large crowds (up to 4,000 people) could be channeled into smaller spaces and gift shops.”

News reports never stated if the “introductory film” would include an upcoming release of the New Messiah as the next installment in the series. However, it was rumored that the commercial “1001 Best Free Stuff” will be aired every hour on the hour to remind the proletariat that we can reap the blessings of better living through coercive wealth redistribution.

The salesman — who looks like a Bizarro World version of the Riddler in Batman — will play the role of court jester.
Emancipation Hall, the New York Times glowingly observed, provides a nice view of “the dome of the mother ship.”
However, the most important amenity, as the Solons of the Capitol Hill “mother ship” view it, is something that’s hard to put a price tag on.
They won’t have to put up with smelly visitors anymore.

As Senator Reid put it so delicately,

My staff tells me not to say this, but I’m going to say it anyway…. In the summer because of the heat and high humidity, you could literally smell the tourists coming into the Capitol. It may be descriptive but it’s true.

Finally, in the midst of “taxes are voluntary,” and “banks aren’t being nationalized,” we get the truth about the tourists (constituents): they smell.

I can just see the new TV commercials:

Capitol Visitor Center?                                         $621 million
View of the “mother ship”?                                  Breathtaking
Not having to put up with smelly tourists?              Priceless.
For everything else, there’s the Federal Reserve.
Seriously, though, what is the solution to this tragic-comedy?

For starters, we should take their government credit cards (like the Fed), pull out our trusty pairs of constituent scissors, and promptly dispose of them before they do us any more favors.

And, we must find representatives who will actually be true to their oath of office to uphold the Constitution. That is vital.
Before I forget, there is one last thing.
I can honestly say that not all of the visitor center construction was a complete waste of taxpayer money.
The Wall Street Journal observed that the center was outfitted with one useful feature: “for congressmen, it offers … a secure 1,000-foot-long delivery and trash-collection tunnel.”
So, please, start preparing now to use your ballot box Hefty bags on the next election day, and when that time comes, send the unrepentant, self-anointed socialist demigods packing down that tunnel.
Capitol Hill will smell much better, but not for the reasons Senator Reid claimed.

Written by tfheringer

February 25, 2009 at 2:01 am

DeMint to Force Vote on Fairness Doctrine


It is disturbing how this congress can dance around the meaning of words. Especially when it comes to an ill conceived idea of a fairness doctrine in broadcasting. Regardless of whether we call it fairness or accountability it still boils down to the question, of to whom is this doctrine fair? The bottom line to this is that patriots and conservatives will face most if not all the point of this. Liberals will then have no reason to publish their viewpoint, because their will be no oppostion to their beliefs. This only stifles free speech and does nothing to encourage the free exchange of ideas and thinking. The thought police are now just around the corner.

Sen. Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, asked in a recent interview if she favored reinstatement, said: “I think it’s absolutely time to pass a standard. Now, whether it’s called the Fairness Standard, whether it’s called something else — I absolutely think it’s time to be bringing accountability to the airwaves.”


from newsmax

By: Jim Meyers

Sen. Jim DeMint announced that he will force a vote next week on a bill that prevents the Federal Communications Commission from reinstating the Fairness Doctrine.

The South Carolina Republican’s bill, the Broadcaster Freedom Act, is co-sponsored by John Thune, R-S.D., and 27 others and will be offered as an amendment to the D.C. Voting Rights bill.

President Barack Obama is opposed to any move to bring back the Fairness Doctrine, spokesman Ben LaBolt said Wednesday.

But as Sen. DeMint notes in a statement, some Democrats in Congress have indicated that they would support a reinstatement.

Sen. Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, asked in a recent interview if she favored reinstatement, said: “I think it’s absolutely time to pass a standard. Now, whether it’s called the Fairness Standard, whether it’s called something else — I absolutely think it’s time to be bringing accountability to the airwaves.”

Back in June, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was asked by John Gizzi of Human Events if she personally supported the revival of the Fairness Doctrine, and she declared: “Yes.”

As recently as last week, Sen. Tom Harkin of Iowa said in an interview: “We need the Fairness Doctrine back.”

Sen. DeMint stated: “I’m glad President Obama finally confirmed his opposition to the Fairness Doctrine, which attacks the right of free speech on talk radio, but many Democrats in Congress are still pushing it.

“With the support of the new administration, now is the time for Congress to take a stand against this kind of censorship. I intend to seek a vote on this amendment next week so every senator is on record: Do you support free speech or do you want to silence voices you disagree with?”

Originally instituted in 1949 by the FCC, the Fairness Doctrine required broadcasters using the public airwaves to give equal time to opposing political views. The FCC repealed the measure in 1987.

Since talk radio is overwhelmingly dominated by conservative hosts, and liberal talk radio draws few listeners, the “equal time” provision would likely force many radio stations to pull popular conservative hosts from the air rather than air low-rated liberal hosts.

The Broadcaster Freedom Act has also been introduced in the House and currently has 177 co-sponsors.

© 2009 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

Written by tfheringer

February 20, 2009 at 5:49 pm

Posted in Liberalism, Truth, World

Why are Christians so Gullible?

Why Are Christians So Gullible?
by Chuck Baldwin
August 7, 2007

That today’s Christians appear to be among the most gullible people on the planet seems to be a gigantic understatement. For example, it was just a couple or three decades ago when the largest and most influential churches in America were pastored by strong Bible men: men who preached hard against sin; men who didn’t try to tickle ears and didn’t mind stepping on toes; men who were not afraid to call civil and business leaders to account; men who called a spade a spade. Those days are gone.

Today, the largest and most influential churches are pastored by fluff-daisies such as Joel Osteen, Bill Hybels, and Rick Warren: men who preach entertainment evangelism, political correctness, and feel-goodism. Today’s largest churches share absolutely nothing in common with America’s historic revival-style churches. How can Christians be so gullible to fall for these snake oil salesmen?

Consider, too, how so many Christians seem to consider President George W. Bush’s “war on terror” to be bona fide and legitimate. Yet, this escalating and never-ending “war on terror” is doing more to ruin America than anything Osama bin Laden could ever dream about.

The war in Iraq is not only depleting our military readiness, it is facilitating America’s entrance into fascism and even endangering our economic stability. According to the Congressional Budget Office, Bush’s “war on terror” will soon cost U.S. taxpayers over $1 trillion. Private economists say the actual figure will double that prediction. It is no hyperbole to say that Bush’s war in Iraq has America teetering on the brink of economic recession or worse.

(To get a real-world glimpse into the sobering economic situation in the U.S., see: ).

Beyond that, Bush’s “war on terror” has convinced Americans (including many Christians) that they need to surrender more and more liberties in order to be “secure.” And for those Democrats who expected that their party’s congressional victories last November would help thwart Bush’s insidious infatuation with fascism, they didn’t. Congressional Democrats have caved to the Bush “surrender your liberties or face terrorism” hysteria time and again. In fact, just before breaking for their current recess, Democrats in Congress approved Bush’s latest request to expand warrantless wiretaps and eavesdropping. (See: ) .

Bush’s war is also working hand in glove with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) blueprint for a North American Union, including a NAFTA superhighway and an increase of imports from Communist China. In fact, Jerome Corsi reveals that the bridge collapse in Minneapolis last week could be largely due to the extra burden of trucks coming from Mexico, per Bush’s SPP agreement with Mexico and Canada. (See ). If this is true, and I suspect that it is, we can expect to see more of this in the months to come.

Even Newt Gingrich, a globalist insider himself, said that Bush’s war on terror is “phony.” (See ).

Consider, too, that in spite of a dangerous lack of inspections of all products imported from China (including food products) President Bush is determined to increase imports from the communist country. His administration is now even working to loosen restrictions against poultry products from Red China. This is being done in spite of the dismal track record of China’s health standards. One could even say that China’s food imports may be poisoning Americans. And not only does this administration not care, it is in the process of assisting this atrocity.

Plus, this does not even take into account how Red China is supplying weapons and ammunition used to kill American soldiers and Marines, or how it is obtaining much of Iraq’s oil, or how this “president, proudly bestowing upon himself the title of ‘war president,’ supports trade policies with China that actively undermine the national security interests of the United States and our armed forces.” Neither does it take into account “that under the administration’s prevailing trade policies, America’s chief export to China consists of U.S. jobs, which are disappearing at an estimated rate of 2,250 per day.” (Source: Kevin O’Brien, President, Sovereign Advisers in Editorial appearing in The Washington Times, June 29, 2007. See SA at: )

In spite of all this, (and a whole lot more), Christians still support Bush in large numbers. How can they be so gullible?

I believe one of the reasons, if not the main reason, that Christians are so gullible lies in a mistaken, and even dangerous, intrinsic trust of government. I hear and see this attitude expressed among my brethren constantly.

Part of this problem stems from an illogical and unscriptural interpretation of Romans Chapter Thirteen. Christians have been drilled (and dare I say, brainwashed?) into believing that government is endemically good and should be thoroughly trusted. Of course, this was not the belief of America’s Founding Fathers, and neither was it the belief of Church Fathers.

In fact, our entire system of government is predicated upon a deep-rooted DISTRUST of government. Our three branches of government stem from the suspicion that no one branch could be thoroughly trusted and must have at least two other branches to help keep it in check. Yet, even that was not considered enough of a deterrent to combat the propensity of government to become tyrannical. What the separate branches of the federal government could not do to police each other, the states and people were to do. In other words, if Christians were really good Americans, they would distrust, not trust, their government.

(For a more complete discussion of Romans Chapter Thirteen, I invite readers to listen to my radio interview with Dr. Greg Dixon, former pastor of the Indianapolis Baptist Temple in Indianapolis, Indiana. Go to )

Of all people, Christians should understand the fallen nature of man: that man in a sinful state is capable of anything (unless they attend a “Purpose Driven” church, of course). How is it, then, that they cannot seem to comprehend the evil machinations of people in high office? Are they totally taken in by the “I am a Christian” fa�ade so many politicians use? Perhaps.

However, I believe that constant preaching from milquetoast preachers instructing their people to trust their government is the main culprit. The lack of discernment and courage of America’s pulpits is frightening. They have produced a generation of Christians incapable of understanding, much less opposing, the manifestations of evil and oppression.

I doubt that most American pastors have even heard of, much less read, R. J. Rummel’s book, Death By Government, in which he factually documents that more people have been murdered by their own governments than by all of the world’s terrorists, gangsters, and outlaws combined. They have probably never read Frederic Bastiat’s book, The Law. They have never read Erwin Lutzer’s book, Hitler’s Cross. I’m sure they have never heard of or read the book Vindiciae, Contra Tyrannos, one of the most famous of the Monarchomach treatises ever written, which advances a systematic justification of resistance against legitimately constituted political authority. I doubt that they have ever read William Rawle’s A View Of The Constitution, Secession As Taught At West Point, etc.

In other words, most American pastors are unschooled and untaught in the finer points of Biblical authority, the doctrine of jurisdiction, the causes and necessities of civil disobedience, constitutional government, natural law, etc. As such, they have not taught and trained their congregants to be good Christians, much less good Americans.

In short, Christians are blind and gullible because our pulpits are blind and gullible. As the shepherd goes, so go the sheep.

(Please help me locate the Black Regiment preachers. See: )

© Chuck Baldwin

This column is archived as

Written by tfheringer

February 11, 2009 at 5:38 am

Common Ground!

There is no common ground between this world and the Christian faith!

Written by tfheringer

February 2, 2009 at 2:02 am

Obey God and not man

“No totalitarian authority or authoritarian state can tolerate those who have an absolute by which to judge that state and its actions (Schaeffer, 26).”

The net result of a government that decides to dictate what it’s people are to say or believe is intolerance of those peoples words, values and faith. Real Christians have always had an absolute in God’s revelation. The scriptures are an absolute authority for all maters of faith and practice. So today when we judge our society for its actions and words we can do so on the basis of the inerrant Word of God. Mans word and our societies traditions are not on the same level as God’s Word. Further, when a government says that some people can have freedom to speak and have actions they desire, but other people are not allowed to speak in opposition to those, then that itself becomes intolerant. Faith in God’s word and translating into actions in our lives is not intolerant. If I have a choice between believing in the sovereign God of scripture or obedience to the constituted authority I will obey God every time.

Real freedom always has limitations, but those limitations need to be based on what God says in the Bible and not what we want to be able to do.

Written by tfheringer

January 21, 2009 at 10:12 pm

King of Kings and Lord of Lords

At the climactic stop of his 137-mile train trip that began in Philadelphia, passed through Wilmington, Del. and was to end at Washington’s Union Station, Obama spoke of the need to recapture the spirit of the American revolution. “What is required is a new declaration of independence, not just in our nation, but in our own lives – from ideology and small thinking, prejudice and bigotry…” he said
    He added, “Only a handful of times in our history has a generation been confronted with challenges so vast,” citing tough economic times and two wars. Americans today must call upon “the same perseverance and idealism that our founders displayed,” to deal with those challenges, he said. (from the dc examiner)

If what is meant in the bold type, that Obama means for those of us who still believe the Bible should give it up to a global ideal, then I have a problem with it. First the only world wide government that will work is the one with the Lord Jesus as King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Any movement that seeks to minimize Christ and put Him on equal footing with other religions (those man made ones?) is not going to be supported by those of us who still believe the scriptures. The suggestion that is being made sounds strangely like the rule of the Anti Christ. The only logic that makes sense to me is the one that says if A is true (being Christ), then B can not be true (being all others) .  This being true then I stand on the following scripture:

“Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.  (Act 4:12)”



These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.  (Rev 17:14)

And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.  (Rev 19:16)


And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and power, unto the Lord our God:  (Rev 19:1)

For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.  (Rev 19:2)

And again they said, Alleluia. And her smoke rose up for ever and ever.  (Rev 19:3)

And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.  (Rev 19:4)


And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his name is called The Word of God.  (Rev 19:13)

And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.  (Rev 19:14)

And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God.  (Rev 19:15)

And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS.  (Rev 19:16)

And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the great God;  (Rev 19:17)


And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.  (Rev 20:15)


I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.  (Rev 22:13)


“And I believe one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church;
I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins;
and I look for the resurrection of the dead,
and the life of the world to come. AMEN.”

The net result of controversy over the teaching of scripture has been to solidify and define how those who continue to adhere to the teaching of Scripture view the subject. No controversy that I have ever seen or been a part of has had any effects that caused the other side to abandon their beliefs. For instance in the 70’s I had a controversy with some friends over the doctrines of Grace. They have not changed and neither have I. However, I know what I believe and can put it into words much better. I have also learned that since controversy is really a ragging river, that I can find safety and comfort only when I am near to the feet of my Great and Good Shepherd, the Lord Jesus Christ. Nothing can really be over whelming when I am near to HIM. Certainly that was the experience of Martin Luther at the Diet of Worms (pronounced vorms) a night of prayer and closeness to Jesus gave him confidence to the day ahead.  That is how it ought to be our confidence is not in our selves, but is in our Great and Good Shepherd.

There was controversy that led to the Nicene creed, which the above final paragraph is quoted above. The controversies that swirled around the Christian faith during the first five centuries centered around two errors. The first of these was gnosticism, which denied that the Lord Jesus had a real body. The problem they saw was they considered God to be to pure to occupy or be joined to a human body. The Apostles Creed drawn up in the first or second century refuted gnosticism, that is it emphasized that Jesus Christ had a real body of flesh. Thus it denied the gnostic heresy. The Nicene creed drawn up in the fourth century refuted Arianism, that is that Jesus was fully man, but he was not fully God. These two heresies either denied a real body for Christ who was really God or denied Christ was God, but that He had a real body. Gnosticism was the first of these two and Arianism was the second of these. So the Apostles creed repudiated gnosticism and the Nicene creed repudiated Arianism. The Athanasian creed which came much later expanded on the Nicean creed, because by the 5th and 6th century Arianism had expanded.

I am a baptist and by way of explanation, baptists do not consider themselves to be creedle. They are also in no way to be considered liturgical and this kind of worship just plain makes me very uncomfortable. However, do not make the mistake of thinking that I have no value for these three great creeds. I certainly believe in the doctrinal beliefs that were under girding these statements. The scriptures teach these truths very significantly. In fact you do not need to move very far out of the gospel of John, I John and Revelation to prove this point.  These were the scriptures that were considered when these creeds were drawn up.

To baptists the catholic faith is the body of truths contained in scripture, which is fully inerrant in the original autographs and is the object of our joint faith. The faith of the apostles is the scriptures. The scriptures are an absolute authority in all maters of faith and practice (sola scriptura). This is the only reason why the creeds worked in the first place. There was no tradition for these early counsels to draw on. The only authority that they had was the scriptures. The one holy and catholic faith was further define in The Athanasian Creed, where that faith is placed into propositional form. We have left this whole idea of the scriptures as being revealed truth from a Holy and Just God to sinful man, as being too old fashioned for modern man. The turth is that the scriptures are propotional truth. The truth of scripture today is laughed at and ridiculed, but as much by those who claim to be Christians as those who don’t. Instead of accepting the truths contained in the book of Genesis as being wholly true, we give into the human spirit of these days and accept the Darwinian proposition.

The scriptures by themselves are sufficient and nothing else is needed. Whatever the need is whether in doctrine or practice, the scriptures cover it. The problem with tradition is, that it has a way of changing from time to time. Tradition is dependent on man and man alone. Tradition that is not born out of a belief in the doctrine of scripture is a recipe for error. In fact tradition is how errors have crept in in the first place. Tradition is what powered the Pharisee of the New Testament, they believed that their words of interpretation were necessary to understand the Bible. For some reason or other it seemed that the scriptures needed some help from man, because the law was hard to understand. Really, the Bible does not need our help and it is all that is necessary for faith and salvation.

Written by tfheringer

December 24, 2008 at 2:43 am

Spiritual War

We are in the midst of a most profound spiritual war, one that is in the defense of biblical truth. Mankind has finally decided that he knows better then God, even though mankind professes to not have faith in God.  This warfare is a tug of war over our spiritual values as a nation. It is really about the eternal destiny of millions of souls and the hearts and lives of people the world over.  Why is it then becoming so hard to get believers to make a stand of committment to biblical truth.  Many no longer believe the biblical account of the life of Christ, in fact many just right out front deny the existence of Christ. We have come to the place as a people that we have sacrificed ourselves on the altar of humanism what is left of our loyalty to God’s word. It is so easy for our people to deny the biblical account of creation in favor of darwinian evolution, in fact even major world religious leaders have now sided with the darwinists.

One of the reasons that this is happening is that man is caught up in a struggle over reason. Reason has been found to be a deadly partner in living. What I mean is that once you have sucombed to the primacy of reason, then faith becomes just faith for faiths sake. God becomes just a word and when it is discovered that God is just a word it is but one step to saying God is dead. The other side of this is that since the Scriptures are authoritative and inerrant, that their authority must extend to the particulars. This includes all maters of faith and practice. One of those areas is history and the scriptures are authority in history, including creation. The world was made by God we are told in Scripture and this was done in 6 twenty four hour days, imagine the impact of this.

War between the fources of humanism and God’s army of believers is being fought on all fronts. The good news is that the war has already been won, because nothing can resist the Lord Jesus Christ without being broken into pieces.

Written by tfheringer

December 20, 2008 at 4:14 am

The Son of Perdition

It is becoming more and more evident that we are living in the end times. Regardless on what your doctrinal beliefs are the days ahead are going to be filled with trouble. Personally, I believe in the eminent return of Jesus Christ, first for His invisible church and then preceding the millennial reign of Christ. However, regardless of how you feel about these issues the truth is that God is about to bring judgment on a world in rebellion against Him.

The recent election of Obama and the religious fervor that is surrounding him is ominous for those of us who only worship Christ, have faith only in Christ, have salvation by grace alone, bring glory alone to God and believe that the Scriptures alone are sufficient for faith and practice. There is an almost eerie attitude on the part of his supporters attributing unto him, that which only belongs to God. In this respect and for this reason there are many of us who suspect him of being the man of sin. There are several scriptures that come to mind when thinking about the end times, the passage here quoted is one of them, plus Daniel 9, Matt 24 and several extended verses from the book of revelation. This seems to be an era of destruction not only of the things of God, but also of civil institutions and moral values. A time in which we call that which is good evil and that which is evil we call good.

The time in which Paul wrote the book of Thessalonians was also a time of dread, fear and trouble. However, although he had in mind some events in his day, these were but a near fulfillment of these words. The far reaching effect is to be found in our day.

(2Th 2:1)  Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,

There are two things that are linked in this verse and need to be kept together and interpreted as a single unit. First is the coming of the Lord or in the Greek the “parousia”, this is used both of His first coming and of His second coming, this word is sometimes translated advent. Second is the word gathering, this word “episunagōgē” means an assembly or collection. When Christ comes to take His believing body of believers unto Himself, it will be a collecting unto Himself of all those who truly believe in HIM.

(2Th 2:2)  That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.

Not easily shaken mentally or troubled about the day of Christ. Even a letter purported to be from an apostle whether it really is or not should not shake the faith of a believer. Through out the history of the Christian faith there have been periods when there was a claim that the Lord has returned. No mater what happens are faith must be in Christ alone, by His grace, to His glory, faith in Him alone and based solely on God’s word.

(2Th 2:3)  Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Not easily deceived by current events during the end times. Paul tells us that the day of Christ or the rapture of the church will only be preceeded by an apostasy that uncovers the man of sin, who is the son of destruction. In these days we need to be not easily deceived by what is transpiring around us.

(2Th 2:4)  Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.

The man of sin is going to oppose God, by replacing God with himself. The man of sin opposes God and exalts himself above all of what we would call godly. This goes a step further in his receiving worship that is only to be given to God.

(2Th 2:5)  Remember ye not, that, when I was yet with you, I told you these things?

These are things that have been taught for many years starting with the Lord and the apostles. Paul went to great effort to tell the church these things, because of the intense persecution that was being unleashed on the believers.

(2Th 2:6)  And now ye know what withholdeth that he might be revealed in his time.

The man is going to be revealed when that which is holding him back is removed. At the time we know that the man of sin will be revealed following the removal of that which is stopping him. The Holy Spirit at this point in time is the only one stopping the revealing (uncovering) of the man of sin.

(2Th 2:7)  For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

There is something that has not been revealed, but shall be soon. A mystery is something that up to this point has not been uncovered or revealed and that someone has been holding things back from being uncovered.

(2Th 2:8)  And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

There is a wicked one who is going to be revealed in the near future to us. This wicked one is the anti-Christ, he both stands in as a replacement for Christ, but also as being in opposition to Christ. The Lord is going to consume them through the Holy Spirit and destroy them at His second coming through the glory of God.

(2Th 2:9)  Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

This man of sin is filled with the power of Satan. This anti-Christ is indwelt by Satan and is working through the power of Satan. This is accompanied by signs of it being the real thing, even though it is not the real thing, but it is a lie. Lying wonders are only going to prove that it is not of God, but of the wicked one.

(2Th 2:10)  And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

There are those who do not love the truth and the truth is that which is necessary for salvation. Those that are perishing are unrighteous and ungodly, because they have not received the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. These deceived ones show evidence of not having the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit and thus not being saved.

(2Th 2:11)  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

The Lord has many times in the past let unbelievers have their delusion and believe the lie many of these, but what about evolution. Many in our day are believing a lie and are under the delusion that they are believers when they are not believers.

(2Th 2:12)  That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

There is a curse that goes with those who have not believed the truth, but enjoyed pleasure. We live for pleasure and recreation. Since they have not believed the truth and have set themselves in enjoying the pleasures that accompany unrighteousness.

(2Th 2:13)  But we are bound to give thanks alway to God for you, brethren beloved of the Lord, because God hath from the beginning chosen you to salvation through sanctification of the Spirit and belief of the truth:

Our standing before God is based on progressive sanctification or development in sainthood, plus believing the truth. The believers in the early church are such, because they have been chosen to salvation and set apart by the sanctifying ministry of the Holy Spirit. Belief in the truths of God’s word leads to the five great solas of the the Christian faith.

(2Th 2:14)  Whereunto he called you by our gospel, to the obtaining of the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The gospel is a very personal and important part, since he has chosen us to be in Christ for the purpose of gloryfying of Jesus Christ. If you have not believed the gospel, then it is impossible to understand what the Christian faith is all about. This means it is impossible to understand how come that Christ only needs to be preached and faith in HIM is the only answer to a world gone astray.

Written by tfheringer

November 12, 2008 at 2:54 am